Sunday, May 29, 2016

Trap Quest - Room's

Ok, I decided it was time to sit down and make a few decision's. Specificly about set's to use in my Fan Art Scene's. This came about because I just got done installing some more content into Studio and most of it is room set's.

So I started to sort though what I had install, picking and choosing what set I will use as a base for each room. Whenever I found one which look like it had possibilites I loaded it up, did a test render and had a look. I liked what I saw, I resaved it in a new location reserved for my Trap Quest scene files.

Here is some of those test renders.


Dungeon - Bunk Room

I will need to change the texture's on the wall's and find my bunk bed prop's, but I think this will work out very well. The only thing I do not like is the skylight in the ceiling. I have idea's for it though.


Dungeon - Apothecary

I really like the look of this room and I think it will make a great set for the Apothecary room.
I have considered making the library but I have a library set which I have not checked out yet.


Dungeon - Catacombs or Ritual room

I really like this room set. I think it will work just great for either the Catacombs or Ritual room. I'm leaning towards using it for the Ritual room myself. Hopefully I can find my crypt set's in the mess of my archive's.


Forest - Dungeon Exit

Here's my take on the exit from the Dungeon level's of the game. It still needs a lot of work but I think it is a good beginning. 


Last, I have a new image of the Aeromancer.

I was never happy with the first one I did and finally went back and did some tweek 's to her.I change her pose, her hair, and use some different shader's on her clothing. I'm still not happy with her though think she does look a little better then she did.

I have a larger image of her with some additional change's posted on Devinat Art.


And now I need to go back to work checking out more of my freshly installed Studio content.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Trap Quest - More Fan Art

I haven't done any more work on my custom skin. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to do the cum layer's with what I have installed in my object libraries. No go. I've also taken some time out to do some reading. But I have not been totally ignoring Trap Quest. I've actually been doing some work on full out scene's. I've also been playing around with some more of my Studio content that I've gotten sorted out and installed.


Let's start with the Game Lab. That's where the player's real body lie's while he play's out the game.

I'm not happy with this. I wanted a dark room with a lit up from within capsule with the player floating within. But as you can see. the body is not very visable. I'm going to play around with this some more once but at another time since at the mment I can't think of what to do without flooding the tube with so much light the floating body gets over whelmed.

I don't want to totally stop this so I decided to light up the entire room.

You still can't see the body very well. The pink liquid is just too thick and no matter what I do, I can't get it to thin out. The liquid mesh object has no opacity setting which is really frustating.

Still I did do a large size image. You can find it at:


Another scene I been working on is the Dungeon Shop. I finally manage to dig out a male gen's for use on the male model I was wanting to use.

This is a small test shot I took while I was putting the scene together. I really don't like her hair. It's a nice looking mesh but it is not very flexible. You have to fight and teak it many different setting's to get it do anything close to what you want it too. The only reason I using it is at the moment it is the only hair model I have that's can do the ultra long. I know have another somewhere in my archive's, I just have not manage to find it. I'm also not sure the lap top will handle it. It is a massive object but it is also very very flexible. Long stright hair, braided, ponytail's, pigtail's, combonations.

You can find the larger scene at:


I've also been playing around with making some of the tattoo's found n the game. Cup Cake in the lake is an example. She has the cup cake tattoo on her chest. The Fertility Goddes (Broken) that I did also had a tattoo though it was not very visible.

Here's a small shot of a player wearing my take on the cheerleader outfit with a couble of tattoo's. I was also playing around with makeup opitions but they are not very visible in this image.

The Mirror is something I threw in in an attempt to show both the front and back of a character.

You can see a larger image of her with a different set of thigh tattoo's at:

I have another tattoo image post over at Deviant Art as well, though I do not have a smaller crop to post here.


And with that I say goodnight.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Trap Quest

In my last post I saw some game test images of my custom skin. Here's a few more of them.

Maggie, now known as Mae, has her thigh and face covered with cum. Got to do some work on the cum layers, but they can be seen now.

Now her legs are heavily covered in cum. It's very visable but just doesn't look right. The cum layers are going to require a lot more re-work. The fog layer is showing up now, it just doesn't look right the way it is. Seeing what I had done has made me think of something that I think will make it look a lot better. This is the heavier of the 2 different fog/smoke layers.

YEA! She's finally given birth, to all things, ANOTHER SEX DOLL.

I've noticed another flaw in the leg layers. Her thighs are breaking out of her boot's. I know how to fix that, it's just going to take me re-loading the base model in Studio, locking the morphs in the thighs, then one at a time apply the correct hips, glute settings and re-rendering the skin again for each of the diffeent hip layers. then cutting and editing each in gimp to make the layers them selves.

This image had the lighter of the 2 fog/smoke layers.


I've made a change to the Minotaur.

No more loin cloth.

Now that I've finally manage to dig up another penis prop, or more correctly, the correct one, my Minotaur is now fully completely MALE.

With this prop now installed, I'm able to do another NPC as well.

Say hello to my first take on the Shopkeeper.

I still can't do shemales unless I want to limit myself to the older 4th Geneation models. I can mount the M4 male gen's on the V4 model's and make them work fairly well but autofit doesn't like fitting them onto any of the Genesis generation of female model's. The gen morph's tend to break and not work correctly. I haven't tried to load them in and just use them like prop's instead of conforming figure's yet. The morph's should work correctly. but I'll have to manually place it in the correct position and tweak it's settings, then add the correct texture's. And I can't use the one I have for the Minotaur and the Shopkeeper which are 2nd generation Genesis Male model's, I've already tried. Autofit breaks it morph's when it tries to geo-craft them to the 2nd generation Genesis Female model I've switched to using.

I could moved back to 1st generation Genesis. It did not have seperate Male and Female model's like the 2nd and 3rd generation Genesis character's do. So it's no trouble to craft on the Genesis 1 Male gen's onto the body while using the female shaping morphs. Either that or wait until next month and hope my budget hold's as I have it. If so, I will be able to aquire an special little utility that will take the 2nd generation male gen's and and create a female compatible geo-craft of it for use with the 2nd generation females. I'm hoping I can also pick up the utility that does the same thing for the 3rd generation Genesis figures. I'm also planning on picking up a few prop's that I think will help me create better cum layers since I am not happy with the one's I have.


While we are on the subject of Shemales, I decided to go back and revisit one of my earlier character creations. Regenold, the Schoolgirl. She was actually made using one of the the older, pre-Genesis generation of models.

His/her base is Victoria 4, with a touch of the Stephine Petite setting's tweaked in. He/she has a Michael 4 male gen's mounted. In fact, if you look closely, you might be able to catch a bit of it peeking out from under his/her skirt.

I'm not sure if you can see it, but just had to throw some eye glasses in.

I'm having trouble with the bed. Every time I try to get the wood to look more pinkish white, it cpomes out looking strange. Same with the ruffle around the top. The cover looks good, just kinda plain.


And lastly, using Regenold as a base, I made a few tweaks to the body morphs, change the clothing and wa-la.

The other Sex Doll in the game.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Trap Quest - Custom Skin

Testing my custom Trap Quest skin in game.
or, how it all came about.

I had just installed DAZ Studio and Lightwave on my Laptop so I could get back into playing with them. I had some idea's for doing some Fan Art based on a series of Paranormal Romance's I love reading and re-reading. But it going to take some time to make them. You see, I'm out of practice with Lightwave and since I am actually going to have to build some the meshes I'll need from scratch instead of using meshes found online ....

I preceded to rummage though my content archives and also redownloading what I could from the verious sites which I have accounts with, (at least those still up and running), and redowning from them. Picking and choosing what I would install, re-building my content library. (I'm still in the process of doing this.) I've also been adding to it what I already have/own when ever I could manage to budget in a few dollar's. I've gotten some good deal's on some stuff I've been wanting.

Then I discovered TQ. It was back with release 7 v2.3, and I decided to make some Fan Art scenes for it to help me get my hand back in with using Studio.

Then Blobsmacker came out with the ability to replace the images in the game. First I used GIMP to play with changing the color's of the image's in the Danaume and Keriax character window's. I also started replacing a few of the NPC image's with my own creation's. Then I started to build larger scene's and I also got the idea of using studio to actually make new character skin's.

For those of you playing r7 v3.2, you can see some of what I done. Aika, with my permission and blessing, as replace some of the image's she had in the game with mine. Some of them are from when I first started, such has the Aeromancer, and will eventually be getting a faceleft. 

I have so far done, the Aeromancer, the (Male) Sex Doll, the Mannquin, The Fairy, The Guard, The Minotaur, The Wrestler, The Domme, The Demoness, and The Witch. I have also done The Throne, The Chair in the Hotel Waiting room, the Lover's Statue found in the Wood's. I am not sure what all she has used yet myself.


Anyway, I've finally gotten enough of my custom skin that I've been working on done to give it a try to see how it will look in game

Here are some screen shot's of it. 
The TQ logo in the lower left corner is not in the game, nor is my name Logo in the lower right corner. I added those in GIMP.

Here Maggie has finished exploring the and mapping the entire dungeon level. She is about to head upstairs to the wood's. She has manage to NOT get into any trouble. All of The Guard's have been friendly, she has manage to avoid the Sex Doll's and Gladitor's and only one Wench has been unfriendly which she took care off.

The skin is looking good though I can see some flaws in it while playing. And the black hair is the same color as the back ground which makes hard to see. It's also suppose to be should length but it doesn't look it.

Opps. She set off a trap. Luckily she's wearing underwear.

She has a run into with a Mannequin while on her knees which resulted in her getting the top hat. She also has makeup which I am not sure you can see very well.
The image in the text window is my own take on the Mannequin.
She also has the Sword of Purity.

Oh oh. Maggie has stumbled into a vine trap. I really like how well the vines wrapping around her legs came out.

She was having a lot of trouble at this point. She was tried and being chased by a Giant Wasp and I had spaced out on having the Sword when she stumbled and went to her knees. The wasp at once took advantage of her, filling her with egg's. It no sooner was done with her then the vine's got into the act and added their own egg's. Of course she loses her purity because of all of this.

Here she is with a full belly of egg's and blushing. The blush is the wrong color but this was was just a test on something I did in GIMP and I did not feel like coloring it correctly, I wanted domething that would pop out and be very noticable.

After her encounter with the Wasp and Vine's, she was able to make it to a hammock and rest. No sooner was she rested she was laying egg's. First 5 small egg's followed at once by 4 medium egg's. Oh was she hurting. On top of that here comes a Mannequin and while dealing with her along comes a second. She manages to take care of them both but she falls to her knees just as she takes out the second one. Before she can even attempt to stand here comes the Demoness. I knew she was up the creek without a paddle so knowing what was to come, she quickly lubes up and takes it.

This is the current state of the game.

Problems I notice while playing?
The skin needs some touching up where the different layer's overlap.
My hair layer's need to be gone over.
The makeup, though visible, need's a little more work.
My fog layers are not showing up clearly.
I only have CUM layers for the face and they need work, they just not very visible.

Still, I consider this test a success. It's looking good overall.


Here's my take on the Witches Altar.

And last but certainly not least, a large scene.
You'll find it at Deviant Art at:

Be sure and take a good look at her chest.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Trap Quest - Custom Skin

Ok, I've been a little busy. I've been fighting an unstable internet connection which has made it hard to down load and install additional content into Studio. I have also been working on a new custom skin for the Keriax character window. But I have found some time to work on some more detail scene's.


So, let's get this started.

First, a couple of images of my custom skin.

Here's the base part's.

The base part's assembled together.

And some some alteration's.


Here a few more assembled form's, with hair.

Although I have all of the hair length's, I still need to do some serious editing on them to make them fit correctly. Also, I do not have all of the different colors yet. They are going to take some time.
I have all of the clothes and body part's except or the male gen's.. The body sections need some touch up's. I am also not very happy with my makeup selections. They not showing up very well, nor is some of the piercing's.


I am also working on new image's to replace those in the game, object's as well as NPC's.

Here's the chair in the Hotel waiting room.

And the throne.


Now on to a couple of character idea's, or to be more specific, NPC's.

My take on the Aeomancer.

I'm not very happy with her.


Here's my take on the Witch.
I could not resist giving her a witch's hat.

I think she's came out very well indeed.
Here she is sitting on her porch with a glass of milk and some truffles.

A zoomed out view of the Witch sitting on her porch.
This is a crop of an even larger image.

You can find the larger image on Deviant Art at:

It's full size is 1699x900.


Here's a shot of my take on the statue's in the Forest.

It too is a crop of a larger image which can be found at Deviant Art.

It's full size is also 1600x900.


In an earlier post I posted my take on the Domme. It was actually a crop of a larger image which I had not completed. I am happy to say that I have done some more work on the image and now have a version of it ready for posting.

You will find it at Deviant Art.

It's only 1280x720 in size.


Like the Domme, I posted a take on the Sex Doll's and the Latex Curse in an earlier post.
I recently did a larger scene with both.

You will find it at Deviant Art.

It's only 1280x720 in size.


And with this I will end it here for this post.