Friday, July 8, 2016

Still Around

Enough about the headaches, lets get onto something more important like Trap Quest.


I'm still having trouble with the Cum layers for my custom Skin for Trap Quest.

On the up side, I can now do the Male Gentials. I was having trouble before because I am using a female body mesh for the base for my custom skins and the male gen's mesh for her male counterpart would not properly mesh together. Before anything thinks, well, then use the male body mesh, that wouldn't work because then I would not be able to do breast's. I guess I could have used both but then I would get into problems matching texture's and editing images so they would merge smoothly, more trouble then I wanted to go though or needed to go though. I finally got my hands on the information needed to merge the male gens mesh properly with the female body mesh so it would be smooth and seamless. Now the only problem is texturing it so it matches the body, which is a headache but still less trouble then doing it any other way.

Here's an example.

The Gladitor NPC.

And her Futura counterpart.

I'm not very happy with her outfit. The cape is fine but I'm not happy with her skirt. I'm still going though everything I have looking for things to install. I already have an idea for full Fan Art scene bouncing around in my head.

Here's another NPC I've been wanting to do but hasn't because I just did not have what I needed installed.  I'm very happy for the most part on how this 2nd try at her came out, the first was a disater and and stop. She still needs a lot of work.

Slime Girl

She is still a work in progress.

She didn't come out the way I envision her, but I still think she came out great. I took several hours to render this final image. The system kept shutting down on me. I finally figured out way. The mesh objects and texture settings I used are very resource intensive and it was really pushing the CPU/GPU setup I am currently using to the edge and the system was shutting down due to the excessive heat.. I've had to make some changes which has slowed down the rendering process but has lower the heat production. Because of this, rendering has been slowed down considerabily. 

I have a Fan Art scene using her. You will find it at my Deviant Art site at:


And with this posting I am going to say bye bye. I have move mesh objects to install into Studio and more images to work on.